專家點評:海外公關顧問夥伴 Liz Yin, Founder & Managing Director of Tribe China
Expert Commentary from Our Overseas PR Oonsultant Partner, Liz Yin, Founder & Managing Director of Tribe China.
(The following content reproduce from the LinkedIn post of Liz Yin. )
Chinese automakers are taking a stand against "malicious PR" (also called "dark PR") that threatens brand integrity and market health.
Recent Action: Huawei's HIMA smart car division just announced a 5 million RMB reward program to combat this growing problem, following similar initiatives by BYD and NIO.
What's happening?
Thousands of anonymous accounts are flooding online forums with negative comments in coordinated attacks on HIMA’s reputation. As one auto executive put it: "It's become warfare by other means."This toxic competition stems from market saturation driving desperate tactics.
Three key takeaways:
While there’s no short-term solution to stop “malicious PR” without stronger regulations put into practice, companies that focus on product and service excellence rather than competitor takedowns will yield sustainable growth.
As Huawei's CEO wisely noted: "Those who throw trash out the window ultimately contaminate their own garden."
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(以下內容完整轉載自 Liz Yin 的 Linkedln貼文)
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