本篇擷取來自中國的公關顧問公司-Tribe China 的專業觀點,分析中國品牌全球化的趨勢、有哪些兵家必爭之地、出海的必備條件與準備,以及公關顧問所能給予品牌助力的關鍵角色。
本篇擷取2024 <品牌出海>企業形象資產白皮書中邀請日本的公關顧問公司-ShapeWin 分享的專業觀點,分析日本市場的特徵、品牌進軍日本市場的成功關鍵,以及在地公關顧問的角色與影響力。 Japan is a unique market with characteristics that set it apart from others worldwide. With a population of over 100 million, it is a massive market. Unlike multicultural regions, Japan's relatively homogeneous population shares similar preferences and behaviors, making demographic trends more consistent. One distinctive feature of the Japanese market is how trends emerge and spread. Unlike North America, where urban areas often have highly distinct characteristics, Japan's trends are predominantly initiated in Tokyo and then ripple out across the country. This makes Japan a market where achieving success in Tokyo can pave the way for nationwide growth.
【招募】第二屆「造局者」養成計畫 -專為在學「約聘公關顧問」打造的三階段養成計畫!(2025年1月開放申請,2025年4月7日報到)